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My Top Stress-Relieving Exercises & Workouts


My Top Stress-Relieving Exercises & Workouts

So maybe I've always used exercise as a stress reliever. I think I managed to avoid dealing with a lot of conflict head on by working it off. Really, I was just "sweeping it under the rug" so to speak, and then the endorphins from my workout would have me questioning my pre-workout self's sanity (I don't advise this self perpetuated cycle).

Exercise does have it's place though, it's worth using it to take a step back, get the blood and endorphins pumping, and then reflecting afterward when your mind is clear. 

During my last three years of rehabilitation from an injury that has sidelined me from most high intensity or explosive exercises, I've had the pleasure of exploring some alternative methods of stress relief that still give me a semblance of movement and exercise. The thing these exercises all have in common? They all require you to focus on breath and rhythm of breath. So read here to find out the top 5 that worked to keep me from "crazy" ;)...
