Have you ever wanted to improve your life, but it seems like you get stuck along the way? Or, you make a decision to commit to change (save a certain amount of money, lose 10 pounds, get a better job or career), and then you try for a bit and get frustrated that you aren’t making good progress so you stop? Then you circle back the next time you are frustrated and make the whole commitment over again, only to experience the same frustrating cycle? If your answer to this is YES, then you know where I’m coming from. We are creatures of pleasure, and we want to see immediate results. When we don’t see the change we want fast enough, we usually give up. Status Quo. Or, are you not even sure what you want, what goals to set, or what you want your life to look like in 5-10 years? Again, we halt in working for something for lack of not knowing where to go. Status Quo.
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I've been away from the online world for awhile, but have been wanting to re-build a presence on social media, to re-invigorate my blog and newsletter, and build the online business that I had always brainstormed. But I keep waiting and waiting, mainly because I want to "do it right". I'm afraid to post photos that don't look picture perfect, and then give up when I feel like I'm spending too much time trying to capture a photo. Ugh, there goes that need for perfectionism again.
The hesitation to start working towards a goal for fear of it not being perfect is so prevalent, and it will kill any endeavour or goal if you don't stop working towards perfection.