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Strong Core - No Crunches!


Strong Core - No Crunches!

I used to HATE core exercises. Since I hurt my back almost 4 years ago, core and glute (butt!) work have been the major focus, and now I can’t get enough of them. But I’ve always known that you do not need weights and do not need (nor SHOULD YOU) do traditional crunches and sit-ups focused exercises to strengthen your core. You can strengthen your core with full body exercises.

I tell my clients that they need to be thinking about their core in every exercise they do. Why?

  1. It works to strengthen your midline in every exercise you do, so that you can do less of the strict core stuff (YAY!).

  2. It will improve your strength and the ability to do other exercises and activities; especially ones that are super dynamic. It’s not called “core” by accident - everything stems from the midline.

  3. It prevents overall injury. Without midline stability and strength, you should not be doing complex or explosives exercises. It’s a recipe for injury.

  4. Last, when you are conscious of the muscles you are working, and actively engaging them with conscious effort, you will see results much faster (great video about this here).

So, here is are three videos of a few of my favourite non-rotational moves that strengthen your core. Enjoy!!

  1. Banded Dead Bugs

  2. Reverse Roll-Out with Knee Tucks

  3. Side Plank with Leg Abduction
